lore in Kool Kommunity of Kool Cirby

Spread your KOOLNESS all over!

Stfu I'm making Cirby lore

Random facts about Cirby because I wanna make lore:

He can't count past 64

He doesn't know how to swim

He has a weird obsession with Burger King

As you can see, all these are vital to the deep lore I'm making


The End of A World

From the Desk of MCF executive Robert Jones aka SixthTimeSuspicious (Multiverse Number 2465)


*As you fall thru the void and remember the faces of your friends and loved ones, you ask yourself, "Did I do enough? Have I lived my life to the fullest?"

*As you feel the void taking you, you relax. Its like entering a warm bath
*It then goes black

Dropping lore for Mister Omart cause I feel like it so cope

Me when the lore

Lore 😩

Shut up I'm loreing more cause my mind is full of ideas

Lore about toxic Cirby 😳